
THE O.Z. #1 - A Fantasy Classic Reimagined for Comics

Created by David Pepose, Writer of The O.Z.

Haunted by her past, a disillusioned Iraq war veteran must survive the war-torn land of Oz. From the writer of SPENCER & LOCKE.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

over 3 years ago – Sun, Nov 29, 2020 at 08:52:08 PM

Greetings, Yellow Brick Road Warriors — and welcome to your weekend update for The O.Z.!

To celebrate the holiday weekend, we have officially sent all of our backers their digital rewards as of this morning! We have distributed them via BackerKit as well as via direct message here on Kickstarter — if you have any technical issues, just message me directly and we'll get you squared away. 

And if you like the book, please spread the word on social media — every positive review helps!

Secondly, UPS Freight is scheduled to deliver all our physical books first thing Wednesday morning — which means we will be sending 48-hour notices to lock your FINAL shipping addresses tomorrow! If you've moved recently or are planning to move in the next few weeks, you can update your address via your BackerKit survey at, or you can message me directly and I can update any changes of address manually.

Speaking of which — if you are one of the 27 people who ordered physical books and didn't fill out your BackerKit survey... we need you to do that ASAP at! If you haven't completed this survey, WE DO NOT HAVE YOUR SHIPPING ADDRESS — so help us get your rewards in your hands!

We at The O.Z. are so thrilled for you to read our story — thank you again to our Emerald Army for being the best readers in the world, and we can't wait to hear what you think about our double-sized first issue!

over 3 years ago – Sat, Nov 21, 2020 at 08:45:29 PM

Greetings and TGIF, Yellow Brick Road Warriors — we've got a quick update for you for The O.Z.!

The printer has officially shipped all 36 boxes of books as of today! They should be arriving here in L.A. within the next 5-7 days, give or take a day due to the Thanksgiving holiday. 

Stay tuned for photos of the giant pallet once everything arrives...

If you haven't filled out your BackerKit survey at, or if you need to change your shipping address on the survey you filled out previously, PLEASE do so now, ESPECIALLY if you ordered a variant cover — once the books arrive, there won't be much time left to make adjustments!

Plus, in related news: Keep an eye on your inboxes, because we'll be sending everyone their digital rewards shortly after the physical books arrive! I seriously can't wait for you all to read this book.

We've also got a few other Kickstarter projects to shoutout, which I think fans of The O.Z. might enjoy:

If you like genre mashups of classic fairy tales, don't miss out on Snow White: Zombie Apocalypse, which has roared back to life with its third issue! Just think of Snow White, Rapunzel, Prince Charming and more battling against a horde of the undead, and you'll dig what Brenton Lengel and company are doing.

And for the Oz fans among us, you'll also love Cthulhu Invades Oz, which pits the magical world of Oz against the unspeakable horrors of Lovecraftian lore! This is a really fun anthology featuring over a dozen creative teams — plus, they were kind enough to ask me to write the foreword to the book!

Lastly, my pal Kat Calamia has launched her Kickstarter for the seventh issue of Like Father, Like Daughter — I've known Kat for years thanks to her work at Newsarama, but getting to read her story of a teenage girl struggling to deal with her father's superheroic legacy has been really exciting. You can catch up on the entire series here!

Thanks again to all of our Emerald Army for all of your continued support for The O.Z., and if you're celebrating, have a happy and safe Thanksgiving!

over 3 years ago – Thu, Nov 12, 2020 at 04:34:02 PM

Hello, Yellow Brick Road Warriors, and welcome to your latest update for The O.Z.!

First off, I wanted to send a special thank you to all of our backers who have served in the military on Veteran's Day, since this book would absolutely not exist without you — you've given so much for your country, and we wanted to make sure we let you know how grateful we are for your service.

We also wanted to provide everyone an update on the latest and greatest for The O.Z. — there are a small handful of backers who haven't filled out your BackerKit surveys yet, so I've reached out to everyone personally with direct links to your surveys. Please fill those out as soon as you can — ESPECIALLY if you've ordered any of our variant covers — so we can get your rewards in your hands on time!

Meanwhile, things are going smoothly with our printers — all of our variant covers and prints are complete, and Ruben Rojas' enhanced A cover with our raised UV elements will be done printing early next week. I've been told the printer will ship all of the books my way as soon as they're finished — all 36 boxes' worth — and then all the fun of the packing and fulfillment begins!

Lastly, I wanted to reveal our final list for our Digital Comics Extravaganza! We had SO many amazing creators offer to share their work with us, and we will have plenty more in store from this creators and beyond for our next campaign in 2021. So without further adieu... your bonus books!

- Alex Automatic #1, by Fraser Campbell and Alex Cocoran

- Atlantis Wasn't Built For Tourists #1, by Eric Palicki and Wendell Cavalcanti

- Banjax #1, by Rylend Grant and Fabio Alves

- Dead End Kids #1, by Frank Gogol and Nenad Cviticanin

- Drawing Blood #1, by Kevin Eastman, David Avallone, Ben Bishop and Troy Little

- Gangster Ass Barista #1, by Pat Shand and Renzo Rodriguez

- Ichabod Jones: Monster Hunter #1, by Russell Nohelty and Renzo Podesta

- Lad #1, by Umar Ditta and Carlos Pedro

- Sink #1, by John Lees and Alex Cormack

- The Once and Future #1, by Adam Knave, DJ Kirkbride and Nickolas Brokenshire

- The Strange Talent of Luther Strode #1, by Justin Jordan and Tradd Moore

- Wailing Blade #1, by Rich Douek and Joe Mulvey 

Talk about an awesome mix of fantasy, crime, horror and sci-fi — there's going to be something for everyone to love with your FREE Digital Comics Extravaganza. So stay tuned — more updates to come!

over 3 years ago – Tue, Nov 03, 2020 at 11:51:45 AM

Happy Friday to all our Yellow Brick Road Warriors! We've got a quick update in store for The O.Z.!

We received our updated print proofs for Issue #1 last night, and they look PHENOMENAL. All of our interiors are looking picture-perfect, and our color adjustments for Ruben's main cover pops incredibly well. (And keep in mind these one-off proofs were printed, folded and stapled by hand — Ruben's cover will look even better once the printers add our UV raised elements to the mix!) 

I approved our (quite frankly enormous) order this morning, which I've been told should be ready within the next three weeks, putting us well on track for December fulfillment. Huge thanks to our friends at Comic Impressions for going above and beyond on this!

Meanwhile, some housekeeping odds and ends — there are 79 people who have not filled out their BackerKit surveys, which we need to make sure you get your rewards! (Especially the 12 of you who selected a variant cover — we won't know which cover to send you until you complete your survey!) Visit and input your email address, and they'll resend your survey.

Additionally, we've locked everyone's BackerKit orders and charged their cards this morning for any add-on purchases — that said, there are 11 people whose cards errored out, so if you got an email today saying there was an issue, please update your card info and/or call your credit card company (especially if you're an international backer, which was about half our errors) so we can get you all your add-ons!

Last but not least — my next comic SCOUT'S HONOR is officially available for preorder from AfterShock Comics! It's the story of a cult who rises from the ashes of a nuclear war... and their bible is an old Boy Scout manual. But when a young recruit discovers this survivalist society was built on a lie, she'll have to risk everything she's ever known as she embarks on a dangerous quest for the truth. 

This is a post-apocalyptic coming-of-age story that's great for fans of Fallout, Mulan, and The Handmaid's Tale. Want to know more? Just call your local comic book shop and tell them you want to add SCOUT'S HONOR to your pull list — the preorder code for our first issue of NOV200994!

All right! Long update over. Thank you all for your incredible support, and stay tuned for more updates for The O.Z. coming soon!

over 3 years ago – Fri, Oct 23, 2020 at 10:40:30 PM

Happy Friday to our Yellow Brick Road Warriors! And welcome to your TGIF update for The O.Z.!

First and foremost, we're going to be locking our BackerKit orders on Tuesday — so if you're one of the 114 people who have not completed your survey, PLEASE do so today at to avoid any risk of delays to your order! 

We need ALL surveys filled so we can distribute everyone's physical and digital rewards on schedule, plus confirming final shipping addresses, what name you want listed in our Digital Thank You section, etc. ESPECIALLY if you ordered any variant covers, art commissions, Skype sessions, or retailer discounts, we'd love to get your orders locked in as soon as possible! 

Beyond that, lots of fun things on the agenda as far as getting The O.Z. out for shipping...

Today I'm going to be recording the Kickstarter-exclusive behind-the-scenes commentary for the book! I've written about ten pages of notes for this, and it's been a real treat revisiting artist Ruben Rojas, colorist Whitney Cogar, and letterer DC Hopkins' incredible work on our double-sized first issue. Lots of process nerd stuff for everyone who's interested!

Meanwhile, we mentioned last update we were doing some technical updates with our printer to make sure everything looks sharp, and the printer is happy with how our proofs currently look! I should be getting a copy of the final proof late next week/early the following week — excited to sign off on these! (In the meantime, how excellent do Kira Okamoto's prints look???)

We've also been hard at work preparing the 2,670+ bags and boards for packaging, plus the 900+ Gemini mailers we're packing (see comic book writer for scale)! Plus, for everyone who's ordered Spencer & Locke, Spencer & Locke 2, and/or Going to the Chapel, we've already got your trades packed! (And if you still want one of these books, there's still time to add them via your BackerKit survey!)

Finally, I've built the template for our Digital Thank You section — if my estimates are correct, I can't believe our PDFs will have EIGHT PAGES listing every single Yellow Brick Road Warrior! If you haven't filled out your BackerKit survey by Tuesday, I'll just list whatever name you have on the Kickstarter pledge.

Anyway, back to the trenches with me — hope everyone has a safe and happy weekend, and thanks again for supporting The O.Z.!